LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales. Now if you are just a regular blogger with affiliate links there is no reason for you to have this software unless you have actual products on your site or blog that you are selling.
Now if you are a business owner with products on your website or you are selling your services this is a must-have in our own opinion. This software cuts down on the phone calls and e-mails that you would have to spend time answering. And it also gives an instant answer to the customer instead of them waiting for your e-mail reply or calling you when they can just simply get their question answered immediately.
We have been playing with this for the past two weeks, and we have to say its a pretty nifty software program. You may have business hours but the internet does not. Someone can pop on your website at 2 am and have a question and well lets face it you are in dreamland. This software is 24/7 customer interaction even as you sleep.
Really like this software and well if we had to use any kind of Live Chat Software this would be it. They give you every tool you need to succeed with their software. Not to mention it worked perfectly with our WordPress Platforms the plugin was really nifty. Hopefully, you will decide to give them a try and you like them as much as we do.