Centralia, Pennsylvania Review Part 1

Centralia, Pennsylvania Review Part 1

Ghost Towns and Abandoned Buildings are my thing. When I first heard of Centralia years ago I always wanted to go and explore it . This time I was a little late and decided to do what I could in the hours of sunlight I had left. I gotta say even though I did not go everywhere in the town I managed to find a few spots to get out and explore. I am pretty glad that I did.

Centralia, Pennsylvania Review Part 1 Graffiti Wall
Graffiti Wall

This country has an amazing history, I guarantee you that every state has some kind of amazing history left and sometimes yet to be explored. I have found so many towns and villages just by exploring and walking around. In my Home State of New Jersey there are soooo many places that are so very cool to check out.

I have run into a few tourist traps but many times outside the tourist traps you will see some places that no one has even touched yet. Except maybe a few locals drinking and doing graffiti..

Centralia, Pennsylvania Review Part 1

To be honest you are most likely going to have graffiti, think about it you are a testosterone filled teenager. In a town where is not much to do and there are spray paint cans in striking distance. Well there ya go ..

Not to mention I was a teenager once many many many moons ago so I get it .. We used to destroy things old T.V.s you name it so graffiti is not really all that bad really..

But I do advise that you do not wait to go exploring , they are tearing down and building new construction where ever and when ever they can.. Not to mention that weather after so many years is starting to break everything down. From abandoned buildings to dirt roads leading to the abandoned areas.. I would say in another 5 to 10 years some places will be totally non existent .. Either eroded away or torn down to make way for the latest strip mall..

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Just a guy from Jersey who is trying to make some extra cash to support my charity The JRX Foundation

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